❤Achieving a Sexy or Cute look with your eyeliner❤
Eye Line:
It was originally used in Egypt to make the eyes look thin and long.
In today's modern society, the eye-shadow and eye-line is used to make the eyes look bigger and make it look clearer.
It is composed of vaseline, lanoline and pigmentation.
There are 2 types of eye-liners, the eye-line can be in a liquid form or in a pencil form.
Using a pencil-form can give you a more natural look but it is hard to erase the liquid form of the eye-liner.
There are various colors that you can choose from including Grey, brown, black, blue and etc. The pencil form can be applied directly whilst the liquid form is applied with a width of 1~2mm.
It is normally drawn from the head of the eyelash to the tail of the eyelash, also applied on the bottom of the top eyelash, for those with big eyes, it is also applied to the bottom eyelash as well, from the mid-point to the tail of the eyelash (very thin layer). You need to figure out what sort of a line suits your face shape and look.

The most commonly used types of eyeliners:
Pencil liner, Gel liner, Liquid (brush-pen liner)

From the left: Brush-pen liner/pencil liner/gel liner.
Pencil Eyeliner

This is an eyeliner where you can easily control the darkness of your eyeliner by controlling the amount of pressure you put on the eyeliners.
It's also easier to give a profound appearance using this type of eyeliner by using the tip of the brush to give a more spread-out effect.
But the disadvantage is that it is easier for this eyeliner to spread and does not last for a long time.
Before Sharping

After Sharping



There are 2 types of pencil liners, it can be divided into a general pencil liner and an auto pencil liner.
You need to sharpen the pencil eye-liner with a pencil sharper before use so that you can achieve a more sharp and delicate look.
The auto-pencil liner does not become that hard, but for those that prefer a more sharp and edge looking line, it is good to use the sharper at the back of the pencil to sharpen the pencil.
* It is important to remember to keep the tip of the pencil from drying out, you can do this by always keeping the lid on.
What happens with a drying out eye-liner? It becomes harder to draw with and irritates the eyes.*
The basics to filling in your mucous membrane.
It's best to use a pencil liner to fill in your mucous membrane.
It's easier for the pencil liner to spread so make sure to use a water-proof product.
When you don't fill in this space, your eye can look more empty and your make-up can look incomplete.

1. Lift your eyelid up with your fingers.
2. Place dots where the yellow dots are in the above picture of the eye and then draw your line.
3. The eyelash looks much more crisp now.
To draw a basic line.

1. If you're a professional, you can do this in one shot but for those that are not used to doing it, divide your line into 3 sections (as in the photo):
Head of your eye --> Mid Eye --> Tail of your eye
* You can achieve a different look each time by changing the thickness and shape of the line that goes on your mid-eye.
If your line in the middle is thinner and your line at the sides become thicker, you can achieve a sexier look.
If your line in the middle is thicker and the line at the sides thinner, you're eyes will look more circular and you can achieve a cute look.

2. Don't make the tails of your eyes too long, the most basic skill is to have your tail form a straight line when you close your eyes.
A basic line without a tail.

1. Do your foundational line first and extend the tip of your line by around 2mm and finish off with a sharp edge (It's easier to do this when your pencil is sharpened.)
2. Make sure to continue your tail with a width of around 1mm.

3. Fill in the left over triangular space with the pencil.

4. Continue the line from the triangular space with a thin line from the mucous membrane to achieve a basic tail-line of your eye.
The Smuge Look!

1. Blend the yellow dots on the tail of your eye with the tip or use a small brush.

2. You can achieve a profound look with just a blend. You'll be able to look more spectacular if you combine this with shadowing.
Gel Liner

The advantages of a gel are that it is very endurable and does not spread easily.
It's particularly good for those that want to achieve a clean and tidy look, although it does look a little bit artificial.
You should always use a brush and even if this is very hassling, use an eye-make up remover to clean the brush before storing it safely, not doing this will make your brush dry out faster and it'll be more difficult to use the next time round.

The product itself may also dry hard fast, you may not be able to use the whole product because it dries out, but we can't do anything about this as this is one of the properties of a gel liner, try to use it as fast as you can.
Make sure you use a brush to take a bit of the product and put it on your hand.
If you're unable to close the lid after use, make sure to have it lying upside down on a flat surface, this will increase the life-span of the gel by reducing the amount of reaction with the air.
Drawing a sharp tail with the gel liner.

1. Just like the pencil liner (read above), divide the eye into 3 sections.

2. If you're a beginner it's good to have a guide-line on your eye before you start drawing. Draw your guideline until where the yellow dot is.

4. Fill in the triangular area with the gel liner.

5. If you're doing an under-line with a gel liner, it's best to draw on the mucous membrane, if you don't, it's easy to make a mistake and get your eyelashes tangled up.
Liquid or Brush-Pen Liner

This type of eye-liner is the least used eyeliner.
It is the hard to control the color of your line and it doesn't blend very well, which makes you look very artificial.
However, it is easier to use for some beginners and is good for drawing lines that look delicate.
It's important that you choose a liner with a thin and resilient tip.
A Basic Line with a Brush-pen liner.

The first photo shows the eye when the eyeliner hasn't dried, the second one shows the eye after the eyeliner has dried up.
1. The method of drawing is much the same as a pencil liner.
You should never draw on the mucous membranes with these sorts of liners.
Brush-pen liners are not waterproof, so you need to be aware of that fact as well.
It also takes quite a while for it to dry up, so you need to take care whilst it dries up.
* You MUST wash your eyeliner with a cleanser and make sure that all of it has been washed away, or it can cause various diseases in the eye.
* Try different colors as well, not just black!
* The most basic factor you should take into account when looking after your eyeliners are that it dries up very fast.

Source : Ulzzangasia.com